健絡道 HERBALGY - 正貨商業伙伴
健絡道 HERBALGY - 圖示


健絡通藥業有限公司是由香港註冊中醫師黃天賜於1999年創立的公司,專注於外用鎮痛產品的研發與生產。該公司的產品包括健絡通草本活絡油、健絡通藥貼草本、壹點寧清涼以及代理的產品藏紅寧外用鎮痛劑、藏紅寧藥貼等,適用於各種肌肉和關節疼痛。這些產品已於藥房、各大連鎖店(萬寧、屈臣氏、華潤堂、裕華國貨、Market Place、惠康超級巿場、莎莎、龍豐集團)及網上商店(HKTVmall)上架待售。



健絡道 HERBALGY - 健絡通草本 活絡油
健絡道 HERBALGY - 健絡通 滲透止痛活絡油
健絡道 HERBALGY - 健絡通藥貼 草本
健絡道 HERBALGY - 壹點寧 清涼
健絡道 HERBALGY - 藏紅寧藥貼
健絡道 HERBALGY - 藏紅寧外用鎮痛劑



隨著各市場對健絡通藥業之產品的需求不斷增加,現已分銷至以下地區:香港、中國、澳門、越南、美國及新加坡等。 健絡通藥業致力於推廣品牌至世界各地,拓展新的合作機會。

如希望與本公司合作,請聯絡本公司之市場部洽談。 Email: cs@herbalgy.com 或 致電+852 2380 9555

Herbalgy products are easily available in pharmacy, drug stores, Chinese herbal medicine shops, supermarkets, traveling shop , online shop and duty free shops. Distribution is made through appointed distributors who will be responsible for compliance with any import requirements in the territory concerned.

Given the unique market condition in each territory, the Company believes that marketing strategy should be implemented primarily by independent sole distributor who is equipped with thorough local market knowledge. Such arrangement also allows the Company to have better control over distribution.

Our market extends globally with our products having been registered, marketed and sold in Hong Kong, China, Macau, Vietnam, Singapore and USA. But we are always striving to establish and build new business partnerships to continue our long standing success and growth. If you wish to cooperate with our company, please feel free to contact the Company’s Marketing Department.

Email: cs@herbalgy.com or contact +852 2380 9555

香港總公司 健絡通藥業有限公司
地址﹕香港葵涌葵喜街 26 – 32 號金發工業大廈一期 13 樓C室

電話﹕(852) 2380 9555
Facebook Inbox: Herbalgy
Wechat ID: herbalgyhk


Wechat ID: fz-herbalgy
URL ID:wongs.com.cn
